The more time I spend across the internet watching the News, the more I realize that our government doesn’t actually understand the implication of the NRC/CAB, or can’t just simply condemn the NRC/CAB for its unprecedented ingratiating nature towards India.
The babbler of friendship between India-Bangladesh has turned out to be nothing but a fallacy. Having so many problems which yet to be solved, adding this Bill/Act, Bangladesh will be facing its biggest threat ever. Activists are frequently making statements and giving warnings to government go in vain.
We really don’t know what exact initiation has been taken or will be taken. But does Bangladesh have that guts for standing against it? Will there be a call to the High-Commissioner to protest the bill or trying to fix a policy to restrict our border? Already people have started entering (what else could could they do?) The possible upcoming humanitarian crisis is to be taken in consideration but at what cost? Already we have seen the condition of Cox’s Bazar and we can’t afford another mass march.
Few people are expecting the government to condemn the attack on the students in India too. I am laughing at this, because it seems too high an ambition. Where government is beating its own students in Bangladesh; who do you expect such a condemnation from! Rather— I would say that Bangladesh government has found an ideal student who is applying its method of torturing to the students, teachers, activists, intellectuals who raise questions.
For the past few days, at Dhaka, a few activists got beaten at the time of protesting in solidarity with the students/protesters of India and against the attack on students at Delhi. This didn’t surprise me at all. It’s very usual that if you stand against to raise a voice your throat will be constricted.
What I am writing is just the bizarre state of our politics. I am trying to focus on a potential threat that will take place at a future time of highest inflation rate, highest circular debt with highest trade deficit and so on. Indian government is doing for its country, if I generalize the whole situation, then why can’t ours have any stance to put our bargaining chips forward?
Is the all-pervading character of our government overestimating the relationship? I say this while keeping it in consideration that India surrounds us from three sides. But in a friendship, only one friend is not supposed to convey/bear the sacrifices or bear the losses. Still, some things should be up for bargain. But nothing ever is, with this international “friendship.”
Actually, our fate is fractured. In this regime, maybe our biggest chance to freely exist was in virtual world. Maybe because o that, the Kishor Bidroho had taken place and the quota reform movement became successful. Standing at street is not tolerated anymore, raising a voice is not regarded anymore. Teachers, Intellectuals are all are treated miserably, let alone students.
The same is true for the present-day India. Despite all of these obstructions, people are raising their voice against the Bill/Act. Therefore, I urge the Mainstream Media to properly publish the news and views against the NRC/CAB.
The supremacist view of BJP contrasting to secularism should also be addressed. Since this write-up is only for non-performance of the Bangladesh government, I will restrict myself concluding not citing the NRC/CAB and their explanations and understandings.
A suitable quote for both countries at the end:—
“Education makes a people easy to lead but difficult to drive: easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.” — Peter Brougham
Nymoom Sakib, analyst on Politics and Economics, currently working as a member of the editorial team of Muktiforum. He can be reached at
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